Spotted zebra cichlid
Spotted zebra cichlid

“Based on the design of the bee study, the numerical abilities of cichlids and freshwater stingrays were tested in the current study.” “The bees successfully added and subtracted objects and applied this knowledge in transfer tests to an unknown number of objects, indicating acquisition of long-term rules and short-term working memory.” “In a recent study, honeybees recognized colors as symbols for addition and subtraction tasks,” they added. “Accordingly, within the range of the ‘object file systems,’ simple mathematical calculations, such as addition and subtraction, have only been investigated in a few species such as primates (chimpanzees, orangutans, rhesus monkeys and vervet monkeys), birds (gray parrot, pigeons and chicks), as well as spiders and honey bees.” “Whether vertebrates other than humans and primates can solve more complex numerical tasks or arithmetic problems such as addition and subtraction is - despite some promising studies - currently still unclear,” said University of Bonn researchers Vera Schluessel and her colleagues.

spotted zebra cichlid spotted zebra cichlid

Image credit: Raimond Spekking / CC BY-SA 4.0. Ocellate river stingrays ( Potamotrygon motoro) at Zoo Duisburg, Germany.

Spotted zebra cichlid